Here is a selection of essays and documents that have informed various projects.


The Men Who Want to Live Forever

This essay by Dara Horn was often on my mind while creating the Vanitas Catalogue.

Human Subjects Review Committee

The aesthetics and language of the Stanford Experiment’s paperwork influenced several aspects of The Eurydice Experiment.

Models of Time Travel

This thesis by Guy Roland Micklethwait contributed to my thinking on time travel for The Eurydice Experiment.

Transcribing papyri fragments

I spent a lot of time browsing this project for my Unreadable Texts series.

Arquitectura y lo demás

Con el ensayo de Carlos Lazo Jr. “La arquitectura cósmico-atómica o de la cueva civilizada”, lo cual influyó la pieza  The Keynote Address.

Espacios no. 30

Este revista, con una semblanza de Carlos Lazo formaba parte de la investigación para The Keynote Address.

Hayden White's The Content of Form

The book’s Preface and Ch 1:The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality

Virgil's Aeneid Book 6

The Sybil appears in Book 6 and heavily influenced my work The Neykia.

Goodbye To All That

This essay by Eric Hobswambs was central to my series of sculptures and collages that borrowed the title of his work.

The Pleasure of Ruins

The series Untitled Ruins was made from the book of photographs that accompanied this essay.

Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and the Yucatan

The engravings that accompanied Stephens’s writings informed my drawings of Durazo’s parthenon.


The Planter's Prospect: Privilege and Slavery in Plantation Paintings

This book by John Michael Vlach informed the Myriorama works.

1867 U.S. Congressional

A report detailing the demise of Carlota, a Confederate colony established in Veracruz, Mexico.


Artículos del semanario Proceso

Archivo Judicial de la Nación


Toward People's War

FALN - Political Position / Posición Política

Grand Jury and Contempt Trial

FALN - Security and the Cadre

In Defense of Armed Struggle

FALN - Communique No. 10

Puerto Rico, el FBI y los crimenes de la contrarevolución anticubana

El país de cuatro pisos y otros ensayos

The Legal Work Defending Independentistas in the U.S.

The FBI and Puerto Rico: Notes on a Conflictive History


Marguerite Duras’s script Hiroshima Mon Amour

Colwell’s El Salvador Project was inspired by Alain Resnais’s film Hiroshima Mon Amor and in particular Marguerite Duras’s script for the film.

From Madness to Hope

The Report of the Commission on the Truth for El Salvador concerning the 12-year civil war.

"Subject: The FMLN Today"

Telegram from the US Embassy in San Salvador on February, 1988 reviewing the state of the  FMLN army and its strategy.

Subject: Violence Week in Review

September 29, 1980.  The first report of the US Embassy’s weekly summery of violence for the duration of the civil war.